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About I-Tots Books

Who are I-Tots Books?


I-Tots Books are a kids' book company that sell many kids books, most based around a character named Tommy. Our books are designed to help children learn new words and sentence structures while having fun. We also have some activity pages at the back of the book to review what they have learnt.

How do I-Tots Books help children learn?


All our books are written thematically. With each theme, kids learn some vocabulary and sentence structures related to it. Our books are also written in rhyme, this help children learn to read faster as they learn through word families (words with a similar spelling).

Is it free to sign up?


Yes, it is completely free and there are no hidden fees.

How do I get the worksheets?


Click here, leave your name and email address and a link will be sent to your inbox where you can find the worksheets (downloadable PDF format) for every book. Remember to check your spam folder if you don't see the email!

What do I get if I sign up?


Members get access to all the worksheets. They will also be the first to know about the latest articles on our Reading Tips page and the first to know about our latest releases! Members will also get exclusive discounts and perks!


How can I order a book?


Click on the book picture you want to order and you'll be sent to the order page! Click here to see all our books.

Can I return my book?


We do not accept and returns or give any refunds. If your book has been lost or you can provide proof your book has been  damaged in the mail, we will send a new one. Complaints must be made within a month of your order. 

Can I get a refund?


We do not accept and returns or give any refunds. If your book has been lost or you can provide proof your book has been  damaged in the mail, we will send a new one. Complaints must be made within a month of your order. 

Have more questions?


Email us at

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